Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Encounters of the daily kind.

My day today consisted of a few things:

1.) Fighting the great battle of: Wash the hair vs. Don't wash the hair.

2.) Stopping to get gas, and realizing the gas station store was in fact a liquor store.

3.) Hoping none of my co-workers drove by the liquor store and thought I was about to get drunk on the job.

4.) Spending 10 minutes in a liquor store trying to find a bottle of water.

5.) Rekindling my romance with Terry's Beef Jerky.

6.) Being told by an old man "Never give your horse more attention than your wife, unless you like sleeping in the barn."

7.) Running from my car into the office to avoid rain.

8.) Dying due to respiratory distress.

9.) Having a near death experience and regretting not washing my hair. Doesn't your mother warn you of this situation?..or is that clean underwear?

10.) Being revived ONLY because there is hope in the world: I did buy Terry's Beef Jerky.

11.) Driving home wondering what type of relationships old men have with horses.

Yes, it's a life of luxury and intrigue. The life only a janitor would dream of. All kidding aside I had quite an adventure today. I would like to share some photo's of a place I have never been with you. It's a place called English, TX. I did not see one hispanic person in this town ,so, they were pretty right about this place. Also, this town is so pretty! I also love old houses...so there's a few of those scattered in as well.

This was an abandoned house. I like to scare myself and look for ghosts in the windows. Sadly, they were all sleeping.

I know you can't tell here, but there are cows out in this lake. I wondered if they were stuck. I didn't stop to ask. I used my country sense and figured that they were just coolin' off.

After I took this picture I realized my iPhone camera was not so hot, and then my phone died. Could it have been the paranormal activity from the old house? I THINK YES! There is no other reasonable explanation.

This trip pretty much summed up why I want to live in the country, and make my own butter. I love butter.


  1. Yes, it's clean underwear. Clean hair is just a good daily practice... LOVE it.

  2. my underwear is always clean. BUT i did purchase some tresemme dry shampoo. i'm not sure what i think about it yet.
